Welcome to our site; we hope you like it…(just click the random pic above, if the image is too large or not to your taste)
A couple of Articles added to the Articles section
(August 2023)
(July) Latest Work in Progress is an International website for Lucy to organise her Lectures, Teaching, private & public searchable Research database, Calendar Events for her students & for different classes with private areas & different student classes to sign in & access student notes & discussion.
It also allows users to choose their own Language in their Account settings profile or from the drop-down box top-right next to Search
(at present from Italian, French, German (formal & informal)
The default is English but I can install others as required

+ work on SEN Parent helper app (Filemaker + FmGo) with searchable database of different specialists etc (with p’haps a smf private online database with searchable records of visits appointments & findings)
Latest News
Soultrade is now only looking after & maintaining a few remaining Clients & Organisations, but if you need some help with any Web-Presence or a Website by all means get in touch.
As we head toward the end of 2022 I think it might be useful to paste this wee bit of advice I saw elsewhere
Have a grand Xmas & NY
best wishes
jol & the team
dec 9th 2022
SoulTrade did not be issue any invoices for our Client websites in 2020 at all; but if you need any minor alterations doing, just send text pics and where you need the changes, which page etc
Also our Osteopathic Clinics are now closed as we have retired from Practice
A Message & some Info for our Patients
Jol was working for NHSP as a Clinical Contact Caseworker
for NHS Test & Trace (now on Reserve list)
Below & here is a list of links for UK Local Health and Financial Support for those having to Isolate either with Covid or who have been contacted as having had contact with a positive case. Includes a
Directory of Local Support Groups for those needing help either with shopping or prescriptions or for further advice
Welcome to our site; we hope you like it…(just click the random pic above, if the image is too large or not to your taste)
Web-presence assistance still available
Eclectic lapsed agnostic; a retired Osteopath & Naturopath with some experience of Business, Family, Farming, Special Needs, Economics, Teaching & Study, Computers, Medicine, Motorcycles, Liverpool, Lake District, London, Paris, Italy, Words & rummaging in skips.
May 3 2020
I have started to populate a C19 database of research articles & links I had put together for interested Patients & Friends, and for ourselves to help decisions.
It is searchable and has a Tag system with a cloud view, to help find stuff, and a roll-over synopsis of each entry.
Let me know if you have any concerns or edits, or indeed whether you have some submissions you think others will benefit from — you can add directly to the submissions board — just send me your email and I’ll set you up with a login.
no login required to view however at http://www.soul-trade.com/C19Notes/
April 21 2020
added the RYA C19 advice to a couple of the Sailing/ Boat Club websites I run, and unfortunately the first C19 Death Announcement/ R.I.P
Stay Safe, Stay Home, unless you’re helping
Keep Socially Close, but physically distant
April 20 2020
For anyone looking for Leadership in these troubling Times, may I heartily recommend the excellent speech by the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen — she is smart enough to give you comment — a superb Stateslady speech – 14 mins, but really worth it.
Succinct detailed, not rhetoric and platitudes, but a meaningful response with strategy, where we were, where we are, and where we need to go and be, and also by trying to balance the recovery growth that will be needed post C19, with climate need, for us to not continually chase and increase GDP growth year on year. “
March 18 2020
Interestingly the cross-party UK House of Commons Petitions Committee has chosen this morning — to get Govt to a Committee hearing to answer Questions on Covid within the next few days (circumventing the usual 6 months that even well supported Petitions often need) and I quote here “We’ll email you again to let you know more about the session, including when it’s going to happen, who’ll be taking part and how you can watch it live. We will also email you a link to the video and a transcript of the session afterwards. “
I offered 3 Questions (they give you 50 words)
Qu 1
Will you support a People’s QE; a Universal Basic Income for food, clothing and housing, which, if properly funded, might obviate the need to intervene in Rent arrears, and provide immediate cash to all, without hoop-jumping and complicated costly administrative encumbrance. It would allow those struggling to self-isolate.
Qu 2
Re Testing- Will the Government divert funding for better testing for front line NHS staff, and then to those suspected of having or having had Covid so as to allow for better planning and response and will the Government consider using more University laboratories to be used for testing evaluation?
Qu 3
Will the Government support the EDM 56765 requesting a temporary universal basic income which is a huge opportunity to respond in a timely manner without cumbersome administration to help keep those struggling afloat, and might also help reshape society and the economy for when we come through the other side?
People are the Capital without which, we all eat the less, clothe with less warmth & style, and generally dance less the good Dance.
Implementing a Universal Basic Income*, for food, clothing and housing, if properly funded, might obviate the need to intervene in Mortgage or Bank foreclosure or Rent arrears, and provide immediate cash to all without hoop-jumping and having over complicated costly administrative encumbrance.
It would be a fine form of QE for the people. It would also be a huge opportunity for us to not only respond to the current crisis in a timely manner, but would also help reshape society and the economy, for when we come through the other side.
UK Residents Please Sign & Share this timely Petition that demands We Implement Universal Basic Income to give home & food security through Covid-19 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/302284
*What might be better than UBI is a Job Guarantee program giving real wages and real needed jobs, properly funded up to full employment, or availability of materials which, if not competing with the private sector, would be a better targeted solution.
Financial Assistance
if you are a sole trader, artisan, or performer who has basically slipped through the funding or grant net, have a look at this list.
There might be a charitable trust who has financial help for you.
As always, check out the gift or grant, hopefully some can benefit..
OK ‘about us’……for well over 20 years, we provided affordable Computer & WebSolutions for Businesses, Self-Employed or Organisations, including Websites and Software.
We used to provide..
Custom Business database solutions that could be deployed on iPads as well as Desktops starting from under £100
Have a look through some of our work and Client WebSites; there are over 50 on this site alone
just email or phone us with your requirements…
“we can maintain, host and administrate your site, as well as design it, or you can administrate yourselves.”
we are very flexible, and are happy to help you find the best solution for your needs; we realise that often folk can upgrade their setups at a later date
Click here for some Website options for a recent client including prices below £150
Click here for some Software options for a recent client including prices below £250
We developed on all platforms and utilised Mac & Windows software as well as Filemaker, Drupal, Moodle, SMF and WordPress. We were registered Apple Developers and we are based in South Lakeland, Cumbria, NW England, and organised iphone/ipad standalones as well as mac and windows Desktop applications…
for info about having your business assisted by soul-trade
contact jol@soul-trade.com or telephone UK 016977 44836 )
… (International +44 16977 44836)
Good site, easy to navigate although get distracted looking at all the random pictures!
thx, and yes also some of the pictures are a little large and the user then needs to scroll down, but some of the pics are well worth keeping to a good scale; as always it’s a trade-off