Knight's classic 'sailor's bible' of 1889
1. Introductory
2. The Ropes
3. The Theory of Sailing
4. On Small Boats
5. The Rigs of Small Boats
6. A Cutter's Rigging
7. How to Sail a Yacht
8. Miscellaneous Hints
9. Fitting Out
10. The Economy Between Decks
11. The Laws of the Sea
12. Instruments of Navigation
13. How to Find One's Way at Sea
14. Weather Wisdom
15. Yacht Racing
16. Glossary of Nautical Terms
_________see also the Falcon__________________
how to sail points of sail etc
basic sailing rules from the conway river festival site
Drascombe Association (i'm their webmaster!)
The Sliding Gunter:
A versatile Traditional Sailing Rig
first race in "Jos" appears as 269! at the Old Gaffers Rally at Ullswater see pics here
old gaffers association - Lakes
Drascombe Owners on the water Sailing Today Juni 2006
Drascombe dexterity Charles Hodgson
link to pics of 2to1 setup as modelled by cat
link to pics of new lighter 2to1 setup as ignored by cat
old gaffers association main site
just done an excellent incontinent crew/ day skipper course on a wonderful traditional pilot cutter (eve of st mawes) with Adam and wonderful crewmates (sept 2010)
Falmouth to Fowey on Eve of St Mawes
St Mawes, Falmouth, Carrick Roads and the Creeks (several night nav exercises etc)
then the next week helped take a friends narrow boat from tarleton into the river douglas at tarleton then into the ribble and thro to the lancaster canal via ribble link! great fun!
Mary Tae (Adam & Emma's narrowboat
the piddler was away unfortunately - hopefully will return in iron!
currently enjoying working through day skipper theory at Morecambe with the excellent and much recommended John Parlane ->thx John
*****************some dayskip docs links and diagrams****************
ps anyone fancy sharing a renovated 1904 loose footed morecambe bay prawner, and bringing it up north in stages over a few years either clockwise or anti clockwise?
pps. i'm keeping the lovely dabber whatever
the actual boat is here -->/>
or why not a loch fyne skiff?
*********************Changes to Coastguard Operations UK****************************
I'm not sure most people are aware of the ongoing MCGA Consultation regarding the rationalisation of the UK Coastguard Service.
The proposal is to move from 18 MRCCs operating 24hrs to 2 (remote) Marine Operation Centres and 6 daytime Subcentres.
Whilst the authors of the proposals have raised some positive recommendations to improve the current arrangements, the concerns raised by the public range from loss of local knowledge, limited night-time cover, loss of jobs and the complete lack of any risk assessments for an obvious costs-driven proposal.
Under the proposals the local coastguard MRCC at Holyhead will close and be replaced by Belfast or Liverpool in daytime and Aberdeen or Solent at night!
Overseas may not be immune fromm the influence of this reform, as the proposals include the relocation of the international marine rescue coordination role from Falmouth.
I urge everyone to read the proposals at to form their own opinion and respond accordingly.
It is also worth visiting Currently this has nearly 12,000 signatures.
Frankly this may not be a "done deal", but it needs the power of public opinion to correct its course, and if we are apathetic then we will have to accept the consequences. The deadline for responding is the closure date of the consultation period of 24th March.
easytide free 7 day prediction
coastal wind direction, wave height, visibility etc
Ports wind direction, wave height, visibility etc
boatlauch sites and tide links
excellent how to articles incl anchoring, electrical,eggs etc
the portablenavstation for the open boat the dabber is taking shape; depth done . to add the charging socket for handhelds, the compass and solar panel -- click here for updates
just completed the rya vhf radio course, and have got a portable license, so should be able now to use the new standard horizon vhf/gps/dsc handheld, which along with iphone for tides/currents etc, charts and the nav centre, should make us better equiped for coastal/estuary work
a drascombe coaster in greece pdf article
offshore safety list
some more sea films.......
riddle of the sands
Deep Water (sailing documentary)
Fastest Indian.m4v non sailing for iphone/ipod etc
a drascombe coaster in greece pdf article
more lal boat pics/rowing the duck
"Eileen of Avoca" - a Yarmouth23
The info site journaling distance cruising in a small yacht
drascombe passage planning pdf WCCC CORRECTIONS May 2010.pdf some simple sailing videos for folks new to sailing and gaff rigs (MIT's catboat) a duckworks article on sailing control of gaff rigs (MIT's catboat) Anchor Right to Stay Put Article 12 volt handbook.pdf interesting thread on snubbers! Multiple_anchor_rigs liferaft article Techniques and Guides for the Cruising Sailor by Tor Pinney another track by orson; great lyrics again free online radio course with simulators click above to see the Xmas homeless appeal (links and films) on the Backgammon site i run, and I include the link here for anyone who would like to donate.. unfortunately Pelican was hit by an HGV while being transported north on the M6 in Cumbria and there are now some items for sale. click here for details .. "The Voyage Alone in the Yawl "Rob Roy"
"Salt of the Sea: The Pacific Coast Cod Fishfry and the Last Days Sail"
a lovely gaff cutter this -- fancy a boat share?
ok the above was the aspiration ; the below is the reality :)
"now we have gone and done it -- eek but at a lesser cost hopefully -- much to do ; click 4 pics -- hello Pelican!"
removed sail train
rya salcombe passage removed
From the RYA web site we read "The Ministerial statement indicated that, from 1 April 2012, the use of marked 'red' diesel to propel private pleasure craft will be allowed only within UK territorial waters.
Okay but what if we want to go to France, Belgium, the Netherlands or further afield?
As a direct result of the parochial and, some would say jealous reaction by Belgium to the UK's red diesel policy, our HMRC is in process of revising the rules for its use. As from 1st April 2012, i.e. 30 days from now, when buying red diesel we shall be asked to sign a document stating it will not be used outside of UK territorial waters. I guess this means if we are caught in France or Belgium with red diesel then the UK government will prosecute us as well.
Belgium has stated that it will stop and fine any boat in its waters found to have dyed diesel in its tanks. It has already begun doing this. The fines have been swingeing.
This means that anyone who intends to go across the Channel will first have to drain and rinse his tanks clean of dyed fuel.
We are advised to always keep our tanks topped up to avoid condensation contaminating the fuel so each of us will have a tank full of red diesel to dispose of.
The average yacht tank holds approximately 120 litres so it contains fuel costing £149 on 60/40 taxation basis.
What is to happen to all this fuel? It represents 24 off 5 litre cans and it cannot be used in a road vehicle and few have a suitable central heating boiler.
How are we to get it out of our tanks and will the fuel company agree to take it back?
I suspect there is a risk that persons sufficiently displeased with the Government's handling of this might be tempted to dump it surreptitiously or release it into a waterway and risk prosecution.
Now we need to also consider the plight of the motorboat owner. His fuel load is 1200 litres at a cost of £2,550. Is it reasonable to ask him to throw away this amount of money?
Most tanks, when drained via the pipe to the pump, leave about 10% of the fuel behind. i.e. approximately 2½ gallons in a 25 gallon tank. This is deliberate on the part of the builder to prevent drawing sludge and water from clogging the engine's fuel filters and resulting in engine failure.
It is understood that 1% of red diesel found in any sample tested will represent a failure to comply.
Being mainly sail driven, many yachts only need to fill up once a year and then only when they get down to half full because going on a cross Channel voyage with any less fuel is dangerous and poor seamanship. Thus it will be the seventh year before the red diesel concentration gets to below 1%.
Clearly the owner, who has no means of knowing the concentration of red diesel in his tank, will need to take other measures.
These days tanks often do not have a drain outlet at the bottom lest the valve leaks diesel into the accommodation. If the tank does have a drain it would be possible to drain the tank into the aft cabin - but this is a cabin normally used for sleeping.
For many it will mean opening up the tank by removing the fuel gauge (if there is one) and having the fuel pumped out. Then having the tank flushed with white diesel and tested to ensure the concentration is below the limit.
Is it reasonable for legislation to cause all of the above expense, trouble and distress.
Having done all that where is the owner going to get additional supplies of fuel?
In areas where sales to fishermen and other commercial users predominate white diesel will not be available and where suppliers change to white where will the fishermen get theirs? Most fuelling berths that own their tanks are unlikely to have sufficient throughput to warrant burying an additional tank and installing another pump.
The "Cruising Routes" charts published by the RYA in response to the threat of wind farms sufficiently illustrate the huge number of cross Channel trips that are made by leisure sailors each year. Many of these are of foreign craft coming to the UK as visitors. These too will require fuel and will thus fall foul of their own legislation when they return home.
Effectively this means no craft with red diesel, or the remains of red diesel in its tanks can risk going to France, Belgium, the Netherlands or Spain.
Unless a resolution is found I believe the nett effect will result in an almost complete cessation of visits by boats from both sides of the Channel.
The closeness of the implementation date of 1st April has meant that the consultation period is to close on 11th March this year. It is vital that sailors make as much noise as they can before this date as, otherwise, we shall have an impossible and unworkable situation foisted upon us.
Please write to your MP and let him know your views.
The "Law of Unintended Consequences" is yet again in full spate.
Don Alexander.
27th February 2012
PS:- The Cruising Association are also lobbying hard but will need wider support from the average sailor.
If you're not concerned about marking the anchor, and only want a means of retrieving the anchor if it becomes fouled on the bottom,
Attach a piece of 3/8" (9-10 mm) braided line to your anchor's retrieval point. Make sure it's at least 10' (3 m) longer than the water depth at the point of anchoring. Let out the anchor rode until the line is ready to go over the anchor roller, and then tie it off on the rode. Continue paying out rode and set the anchor.
If your anchor becomes fouled, you can haul in the rode until you're able to untie the retrieval line, and use it to free the anchor.
Tie a line to the tripping point of anchor, up and through an eye attached the underside of the anchor marker and attach a heavy fishing weight that cannot pass through the eye to the end of the line. Allow for rise and fall and no more - your anchor buoy should always sit right over your anchor.
If you’re going to buy a secondhand, uncertified life raft, insist that the seller agree, in advance and in writing, to pay for any necessary repairs above a specific dollar amount that you’re prepared to spend in addition to the purchase price. In other words, if you buy the raft for $1,000 and feel it would still be a good value if you had $2,000 into it after inspection and re-certification (which is easily possible), then require that the seller agree to pay for repairs above the $1,000 difference. If the seller’s share of the service facility’s repair estimate turns out to be more than he or she is willing to pay, or if the raft is condemned outright as is often the case, then the seller must refund your money and take back the raft. Be sure to clarify details like who would pay for return shipping of a damaged or condemned raft. This way you’re protected from buying an unusable, un-repairable piece of junk and the seller is agreeing not to profit from selling you one. Considering the high statistical likelihood of the old raft proving to be problematic when it’s inspected, this is the only reasonable and fair way to do it. If the seller will not agree to these terms, it would be imprudent to buy that life raft no matter how low the price.
Mentoring, charity awareness
Boot Camp on a Boat - still sailing --bbc radio programme about catzero
the original programme, Boot Camp on a Boat, broadcast 2010, brought the following review in the Guardian
"To listen to Boot Camp on a Boat, it was necessary to throw scepticism overboard. The NHS in Hull has spent £500,000 on a 72ft yacht for unemployed young people who begin by spending four weeks on an SAS programme in which they learn survival skills (the sample timetable makes one smile: sexual health in the morning, rock climbing after lunch, Tesco sandwich in between). They then take a 10-day trip to Orkney to boost their self-esteem. The most persuasive moment was when a young man explained how, at last, he was "doin' summat". The sense of how essential this was came across powerfully. The most dismaying moment was hearing Hull Labour councillor Steve Brady, rejecting the project and congratulating himself on his own family's employability. How easy and coarse such self-righteousness sounded.
The truth is that it's too soon to know whether this brave yacht will also turn out to be a lifeboat."
the above programme, Boot Camp on a Boat - still sailing, follows up the original; now that over 400 young people have been really helped.........
removed sailtrain links
removed sailtrain links
lugger project
first sighting
next the pick up
lugger work begins 1
more work & hens
completed refit from above
testing sails and mast/5/2013)
launching Eva 7/6/2013)
eva first time out 8/6/2013)
Jos back for spruce-up NOW SOLD to loving home /6/2013)
pelican hull work in boatyard 5/6/13
goodoldboat articles online
eva on mooring
eva returns after skipper strikes rock, bending rudder and disturbing lower rudder bearing
undereva -- before removing keel plank for re-epoxy using wonderful pettigrew guide
Seaworthiness & Trailerable Sailboats great article and test
Seaworthiness test
Pelican's Seaworthiness test
Penlee Lifeboat Disaster RIP
RNLB Solomon Browne, Penlee - lost with all hands along with the souls upon Irish vessel MV Union Star 19 December 1981 - RIP
"The greatest act of courage that I have
ever seen, and am ever likely to see, was the penultimate courage and
dedication shown by the Penlee [crew] when it manoeuvred back alongside
the casualty in over 60 ft breakers and rescuing four people shortly
after the Penlee had been bashed on top of the casualty's hatch covers.
They were truly the bravest eight men I've ever seen who were also
totally dedicated to upholding the highest standards of the RNLI." (Lt
Cdr Smith USN, the pilot of the rescue helicopter)
Film here:
here are some before pics ..
here are some after pics ..
and landrover after....
welcome to LBC
welcome to the Drascombe LBC
LBC furler
LBC sails
LBC mast
re-painted, re-named & eyed
Puffin ready to trail n sail
Puffin launch
Puffin and Land rover ready for Rally
Puffin at the Broads Rally
Greece 2014 open day boat (lugger)
Greece 2014 open day boat (lugger) routes
boom hoist
----------DA back winching thread
back winch setup
2 articles i've just written for the Drascombe Magazine (DAN 111) From Surf to Sail.pdf -- my journey from surfing to sailing
and boom hoist for outboard
excellent day skip quiz
managed 4 days of a day skip practical course thx to all at Endeavour Sailing on Lanzarotte for allowing us a shortened trip (time constraints). Fab Bio-luminescence on the night passage-- Learnt a lot , Thx Keith D.
Lanzarotte route
Detail showing Interesting Approach to Arrecife Lanzarotte where use of back bearing on cardinal buoy/ marker to check approach was used (with clearing angles if i remember
passage-plan check.pdf
just cleaned Eva's carb (4 hp yam outboard nice photos/ description here
working on lbc berths using John McHugh's Longboat Cruiser mods
Hi there
I thought it was time I contributed something to the Drascombe association forum. One of my winter "tinkering" projects was to make a decent bed for my Longboat Cruiser.
I started by copying the floor boards and basically made folding A frames to support the floor boards on , when I wanted them to be raised for bed time!
I made 3 A frames for each birth. One for the front, middle and end. Made of 3/4 in ply and hinged so they can fold up when not in use. The set up has worked fine for the last three seasons. I have found industrial velcro is excellent at keeping the bed boards on top of the floor boards and the three little A frames just fold up and are also easy to store. This set up is easy to either store on the boat or take off. The whole of the "Cuddy" becomes a bed.
I hope this has given you a few ideas.
sailing in Ardnamurchan
summer 2015 finished excellent day skip course from Largs Rothesay the Kyles and Tarbert with Scotsail & a knowledgeable tolerant skipper and friendly 'go for it' crewmates -- pics to follow...
december 2015 finished excellent yachtmaster theory course with John Parlane at Bay sea school Heysham and prepared sailing resume/ ICCC Licence etc for Cortez next year see Seascape Baja Mexico
navionics map
navionics with google overlay map
ship's dog on lookout
"keep a good lookout! every day is different look anew"
Baja Charter
wished i had seen/read the article below, before we left, as we had a fair few rough anchorages! (stayed up all night on the lashed tiller one night, as we skewed in the wind threatening beam to swell in a barren anchorage, actually bottoming out a fair few times!
here is a pic of that bay El Mesteno where we were anchored to the right of the boat in this pic, taken from the shore -- from photo from
el mesteno from shore
—this is the article i'd wished we’d read b4
"From the perfect stillness of the cockpit we watched the sun set in spectacular colors, anticipating a quiet night.
So we were quite surprised when the boat began to roll mysteriously. An ominous, low roar gradually filled the air around the boat.
Suddenly the wind began to pick up, sending us into the cabin to get out of the cold and then bringing us back on deck in alarm as it quickly accelerated over 20 knots.
The boat began to buck and roll, and we watched in awe as the one other boat in the anchorage, a 65' Swiss flagged yacht, pitched wildly in the growing maelstrom.
We struggled to keep our footing as we scrambled down below again. What the heck?
For 15 straight hours the boat jerked violently and the wind bellowed and whistled through the rigging.
We were wide awake throughout the night, our only comfort being the knowledge that the seven people on the other boat were wide awake too.
By morning we had read every book on board about the La Paz Coromuel winds.
Good grief. Who woulda thunk that a heavenly little tropical anchorage could transform into a nightmarish haunted house and roller coaster ride so fast?
Well, we learned that it happens every night in the late spring and summer within 40 miles of La Paz.
The word "Coromuel" is the Spanish pronunciation of the name of British privateer Samuel Cromwell.
This odd, all night phenomenon of absolutely vicious south/southwest winds is caused by hot desert air rising from Baja's southern tip near La Paz and sucking in the cold Pacific air across the low lands without any mountains to slow it down.
By 11:00 each morning the show is over and the winds vanish, replacing the word "nightmarish" with the word "idyllic" in the description of every southwest-facing anchorage in the area.
With great optimism, many travel guides dismiss this horror as "a cool evening breeze," which it may be if you are on a protected patio somewhere.
So the trick in spring and summer near La Paz is to stay only in those anchorages that have south to southwest protection.
We found such a spot at Puerto Balandra
Tucking up under the towering cliffs to the south, we spent three stunning days gazing at the white sand beaches and jade green water, smug in the knowledge that when the
ferocious winds came at night we would be completely protected from the huge waves and modestly protected from the howling wind."
Puffin electrics
Puffin electrics, Nav station in action off Luing in 2017
this is the sprayhood i would like to emulate -- click pic for more -- lovely boat btw -- Annie -- wooden stateside build (her blog is here btw)
just started Puffin's motor after a couple of years -- gave it a quick spray of fogging oil before turning her over without the plugs in
this (found in the forums) was useful so copying here" I have been luckily successful in starting motors that have not been winterized by following some advice given to me by a mechanic at a marina local to where I grew up many years ago.
Inspect the motor visually, paying close attention to the lower unit and prop area looking for traces of oil leaks and or seepage. If you detect any oil seepage remove the lower drain plug from the lower unit to check for water, if no water is present replace the drain plug. Do not allow oil to drain out, you will change that out after the motor is checked out but before you put the motor to use in the lake. If all is clean proceed to checking out the motor.
Remove all the spark plugs, using a straw attachment spray a light oil or;WD-40, Gun Oil etc.) into each cylinder. (just a short squirt, do not over do it) rotate the flywheel by hand half rotation and spray again lightly. Rotate the flywheel several times by hand slowly but smoothly (about 10 full rotations). This will allow you to feel if the pistons will move freely without hanging up on any buildup of rust and / or settled carbon deposits. If every thing turns smoothly crank the motor over using the starter or pull cord (depending on electric or pull start). Keep in mind that the lower unit should be submerged in water with the garden hose to supply water to the impellor of the water pump(test tub or ear muffs(recommend test tub to allow visual detection of oil leaking from lower unit after motor has run). If the impellor is dry it may have settled and stuck to the walls of the inner housing and could quite possibly break apart without some water for lubrication. If everything turns smoothly and seems fine, replace the spark plugs and wires, open up the fuel filter and clean out any debris that may have collected or change out if it is stand alone sealed unit. After everything is back together using fresh gas (gas/oil mixed) start the motor up and let it run at idle for a couple of minutes to warm up. After motor has idled for a couple minutes and it is running smoothly (Only in a test tub) shift the motor into gear (Do Not accelerate) let it idle in gear 20-30 seconds return shift to neutral for 20-30 seconds and then shift to reverse for 20-30 seconds and then back to neutral. If all is fine into and out of gears rev or accelerate motor slightly up to but NOT more than ¼ throttle. Ease up and down a couple of times over a period of 10-15 seconds and then idle for 20-30 seconds and then shut down. While the motor has been running you will have checked for the obvious, water coming out of the tell tale tube, listening for abnormal sounds and abnormal shifting. After the motor has sat for several minutes after it has been shut down in the tub if there are any serious leaks in the lower unit you will see oil beads or patch(es) floating on the surface of the water in the tub. If all is fine after this fairly simple procedure go on to changing out oil in the lower unit and proceed to the lake to test drive.
If you have a compression tester you should check the compression on all cylinders after you have run the motor in the test tank and the again after a run on the lake. This will give you some idea if any damage occurred.
Easy place to start. "
we've had Puffin on Windermere for a few weeks to get her shipshape -- berthed in the Marina has meant being able to take some shortish trips (click here for the visit to the swan at newby bridge)
Anniversary sail on Puffin
navionics with google overlay map
weather passage planner
Earth wind
sailing weather
xc weather
frank's weather
general passage planning
New mobile responsive website we developed for the Yacht La Contenta (click for desktop version)
Exciting trip to La Coruna from Whitehaven via Liverpool, Holyhead, Milford Haven on the beautiful La Contenta thx Dave & crew
Exciting route to La Coruna from Whitehaven via Liverpool, Holyhead, Milford Haven on the beautiful La Contenta thx Dave & crew
had a wonderful sailing trip in Scotland in May 17 and managed to put together and test out what i have been trying to learn these past 10 years or so of sailing.
Puffin's electrics stood up well, and i got to know the chartplotter , along with a real chart stood alongside! and Ian of course -- cheers mate!
Puffin at anchor off Luing (Ardinmr) on the west coast of Scotland May/june 2017 click the pic for Ian's photos from the rally
Craobh Haven routes May/june 2017 click the map for Ian's photos from the rally
Craobh Haven routes to Seil sound, Bridge o'er the Atlantic and Cuan Sound May/june 2017 click the map for Ian's photos from the rally
to do list
smaller diam mainsheet and mizzen sheet, take up extra anchor and inflatable tender -- more repairs -- tiller extension and sacrificial toe eye
Isabella - our Dufour 32 charter in Greece 17
typical south ionian route
Sailing holidays Lefkas Meganisi etc == interesting site with links advice maps photos etc
Sailing holidays Kefalonia ithaca etc == interesting site with links advice maps photos etc
various video pilot youtubes of ionian ports and islands
great little nav course with accompanying pdfs etc good revision!
the site also has much good advice on chartering and u can apply for recommended companies -- whitelists etc
Luing visit on Puffin Aug 17 -- we used the big red bus to launch/retrieve -- did a few jobs and had a w'fu sail to Luing where we used the the Avon tender for the first time
Northern Ionion Sailing July 2018.m4v
lessons learnt = use dual listening on vhf eg 72 and 74 (always listen to local weather where possible) and cg warning ie fog and ferries cancelled
north ionian route which we actually did the other way round on "Ruth" a Dufour 32 charter
Sailing holidays Corfu interesting site with links advice maps photos etc
Nice little dayjob on Eva
fitted a remote fuel tank to Eva, then rewarded ourselves with Lunch and a jug of Pimms at the top of the Lake
needed to after Boat Yoga on the mooring: lying flat out on the duckboards, prone, with my head in the lazarette, arms fully outstretched holding a drill in front of me like Superman,and trying to be precise, drilling (with 3 different drill bits) through fiberglass; all on the hottest day of the year.
that Pimms disappeared quick
here's a pic of a similiar hole in another boat, seen from outside (we have kept the bulb for squeezing the juice for initial start up within the lazarette)
needless to say Do not put your remote tank in the lazarette if u have any electrickery in there btw!
poor Quackers
first sail of the year today (March) on Andy's boat thx
LBBC is our (SoulTrade) latest simple website
the brief was a simple single page and a Members’ Forum.
No Menus; simply a clickable photo was chosen to navigate to the interactive Forum.
happy Quackers