
Val provides independent osteopathic health care services in Ulverston. We are a group practice committed to providing the highest standards of osteopathic health care and continuing professional training opportunities.

About the Practice

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FAQs & more About Us & What We Do

has been working in South Cumbria since qualifying in Naturopathic Osteopathy in 1999.  She uses a mainly structural approach, but also includes some ‘cranial’ techniques that are suitable for everyone but especially older people and young children.  She has experience of children with Cerebral Palsy Special Needs, and finds a combined approach of gentle cranial and muscle work very effectively. Now retired like her husband Jol

What problems do people present with?

Typical problems that patients say Osteopathy has helped will include:
  • Back and neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Spinal problems
  • Arthritic conditions
  • Joint problems
  • Sports injuries
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Postural problems (including during pregnancy)
  • Childhood problems

How do we treat?

The overall aim of osteopathic treatment is to release areas of restriction, improve mobility and blood flow and to correct and imbalances.
Osteopaths draw from a wide range of techniques.  These include massage-like techniques to relax and stretch the muscles and contracted areas of the body; rhythmic movements of the joints to improve their function; manipulation to release restricted joints; gentle relaxing techniques including cranial osteopathy which is especially suitable for children and babies.

You will also be given advice on how to prevent your problem recurring and you may be shown exercises to follow.  Dietary advise and stress management techniques can also be prescribed if appropriate.

How to make an appointment?
Appointments can be made by telephoning the practice or by calling in and seeing one of our receptionists.  Urgent cases can often be seen on the same day, otherwise you will be offered the first available time.

Should you wish to talk to us prior to making an appointment do telephone and if we are treating we will return your call as soon as possible.
You do not have to be referred by your doctor to consult an osteopath.
If you need to cancel an appointment please give us as much notice as possible.  The full fee is charged if you fail to arrive for an appointment or if you cancel with less that 24 hours notice



Please ring 01229 xxxx for availability


Privacy Statement for Furness Osteopaths

  • Firstly we do not hold ANY patient information online

Our Practice Websites have, no added Cookies and any Google Analytics data is determined by Google Privacy that can be read here
We may use third party voluntary questionnaires to assist our Quality Audit of our work, but we only request anonymous data, and hold no personal identifying data at all —
  • Practice Data Privacy
We do not hold ANY patient information online whatsoever and keep your records secure and locked. we are required by the GOsC Council ( Osteopathic Practice Standards ) to keep patient records for a minimum of eight years after their last consultation; and if the patient is a child, until their 25th birthday. •

We also use and retain for audit, insurance and accounting purposes, as well as being able to compare your present history with your past history, together with recorded previous treatment outcomes, all of which help us to improve diagnosis and treatment choices.
We may use voluntary third party questionnaires to further assist our Quality Audit, but we only use anonymous data, and hold no personal identifying data at all

Patients are welcome to view their case history data at any time and we will not share it with anyone else without their authority.



State Registration

Val & Tim are both State Registered Osteopaths

General Osteopathic Council

The 1993 Osteopaths Act gives osteopaths registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) a similar legal status to doctors and dentists.  The GOsC protects patients by regulating education and professional standards.    
Osteopathy was the first complementary therapy to be granted statutory self-regulation by the government.

Osteopaths typically receive a 4 year full time training in both medicine and osteopathy.  The title ‘Osteopath’ is protected by law and you can be confident that anyone using this title has been fully trained, follows the professional code of practice and has met all the requirements of GOsC.  If you would like any details about the profession of osteopathy please contact the GOsC on 0207 357 6655 or visit their website at