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site aims & Business cards

Started by jol, March 14, 2010, 09:07:58 AM

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1/to have a clear explanation of what the site is about on the front page  

and 2/ to encourage parents from the county to get involved, and again have a clear way to 'join' and attend local meetings  and conferences.

3/provide an independent repository of information so that new parents can get up to speed quickly and add their own information (email lists facebook etc are all good, but they don't provide a searchable record of subjects discussed, accessible for new parents, or for those not on said email lists -- bear in mind we are now getting v good exposure and there is now  an opportunity for parents who are google searching "disabled children cumbria" to hear of these happenings, as we are now page 1 at the top of the page, for those types of searches. We are now approaching 20,000 page views a month and rising)

4/ provide more links about the whole process, both onsite and offsite links

5/provide a portal whereby general information/advice and specific info can be found - whether by direct links to the county council site, or others, or by links to our own discussions on the subjects.

6/ be accessible and public
all of the above is made much easier by having made the site completely searchable, and interactive. together with a linked 'events' diary - open for all to amend and contribute......also allows for transparency, a place for minutes etc and then the ability to guage areas where improvements have been made to Services, or identify areas where progress seems slow or stalled...

although open for public view - registration remains essential for posting...

to do

firm up some local group website 'involvers' 'encouragers'

needed a small run (500) of simple business cards  to be available before the conference so that folks know where to look..and can be taken back to hand out in local groups------------ can be done for £35 (with a Calendar on the back or an explanation of Aiming High)

click the card to see detail


please add your own designs, site names, logos, wording and desires for the site ...

this site is merely a working 'work in progress' which aims to show you what is 'possible', it is not definitive.

the Cumbria County Council Aiming High Site is being revamped, and will be online soon, and will have much of the required information, minutes and  leaflets and links, which is excellent news.

This site remains  a possible independent interactive discussion area on the ongoing Parent/Professional partnership...that can be 'adjusted' and adapted as Parents want...and also to allow them to add their own information

you can already change the look and feel of the site see here there are already nearly 10 different looks..

one below for example with a simple front page and a good logo could be good.. remember that there would need to be adjustments to design for diffent colours - but these profiles are available for you to try out now -- see the link above for details..