• Welcome to Learning to Change in Cumbria for Disabled Children.

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local events / West Disability Stakeholder me...
Last post by jol - July 27, 2010, 07:53:50 AM
West Disability Stakeholder meeting is 14th September from 10.00 until 12.00 at the Minto Centre, Workington.
local events / adventure at bendrigg
Last post by jol - July 24, 2010, 02:31:13 PM
this is an example Calendar event posting for "adventure at bendrigg"
details here http://www.soul-trade.com/change/local-events/saturday-club-sandgate-school-and-bendrigg-7th-august/
local events / Saturday Club - Sandgate Schoo...
Last post by val - July 24, 2010, 10:23:46 AM

7th August adventure at bendrigg - please see attachments

Sandgate school is open for the play scheme Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm if you are free to join us.
We hope to see you there
local events / The next Carlisle Locality Sta...
Last post by jol - July 14, 2010, 02:11:30 PM
The next Carlisle Locality Stakeholder meeting is:

Thursday 9th September 10.30-12.30pm at (The meeting room) Petteril Bank school, Burnett road, CA1 3BX.


Wednesday 24th November 10.30-12.30pm also at Petteril bank

Minutes to follow
Last post by jol - July 13, 2010, 06:25:19 PM
Dear all


On Friday 10 July, the new government launched a website http://spendingchallenge.hm-treasury.gov.uk/ to let the public have their say about public spending under the its spending review. Government will be looking at the responses over the summer, so that they can publish their decisions in October. The discussions and decisions the government takes over the summer will determine how public money will be spent for the next four years.

I realize that this work is taking place at a time when it can be hard for parents to engage with things. However I cannot stress enough how important it is that as many families with disabled children as possible speak up. This is a critical time, and the decisions taken now will affect families with disabled children for the next few years. There is a real opportunity to make our views heard about the importance of investing in and protecting services for disabled children and their families.

The more people that speak up the better. Other groups will be mobilizing their supporters too, so it is critical that we do the same. Please pass this message on to as many families as you can, so that they can go onto the website http://spendingchallenge.hm-treasury.gov.uk/  and hopefully encourage their friends and relatives to do the same.  

Contact a Family will be raising the following issues:

The importance of investing in services to support disabled children and their parents
The importance of easing the financial pressures on families by making the right benefits available and also taking steps to help parents take up jobs if appropriate (affordable childcare, flexible working etc)
The importance of investing in parent participation so that families can drive the development of services locally

Please click onto the link http://spendingchallenge.hm-treasury.gov.uk/ and have your say.  The amount of time we have to influence is very limited. Please help us to make the most of that time.

Kind regards


Srabani Sen
Chief Executive
Contact a Family
Tel: 020 7608 8704
Address: 209-211 City Road, London EC1V 1JN
Web: www.cafamily.org.uk


Are you looking for a challenge? Contact a Family offers a range of exciting sponsored events - Marathons, 5K and 10K runs, parachute jumps and overseas treks. Interested? For more information, visit www.cafamily.org.uk call 020 7608 8731 or email fr@cafamily.org.uk

This is a great way to have fun AND help us to support families with disabled children!
local events / summer activities barrow area
Last post by jol - July 13, 2010, 08:15:52 AM
Hi (from Jackie Bell Barrow area)

I have attached a list of activities for children and young people with disabilities, I also have a comprehensive lists of mainstream activities that will welcome all children and young people. Please let me know if you would like a copy.



local events / Maze Maize on 24 August
Last post by jol - July 12, 2010, 08:39:21 PM
Hi to All, message from Oak Lea Trust Bev Powell

Just a reminder and a nudge about the trip to Grizedale Forest on Tuesday 27th July. There is a bus arrange to set off from Oaklea Trust, Wattsfield House, Wattsfield Lane Kendal at 10 am and return back from Grizedale at 3pm. If anyone would like to join us please let me know ASAP or I will have to cancel the bus from Kendal.

We also have a bus arranged to go to the Maze Maize on 24 August same time and place for pickup.


Kind Regards

Bev Powell

Team Manager (Children and Young People)

The Oaklea Trust


T: 01539 735025

M: 07553358727
local events / trip to Grizedale Forest on T...
Last post by jol - July 12, 2010, 08:37:59 PM
Hi to All, message from Oak Lea Trust Bev Powell

Just a reminder and a nudge about the trip to Grizedale Forest on Tuesday 27th July. There is a bus arrange to set off from Oaklea Trust, Wattsfield House, Wattsfield Lane Kendal at 10 am and return back from Grizedale at 3pm. If anyone would like to join us please let me know ASAP or I will have to cancel the bus from Kendal.

We also have a bus arranged to go to the Maze Maize on 24 August same time and place for pickup.


Kind Regards

Bev Powell

Team Manager (Children and Young People)

The Oaklea Trust


T: 01539 735025

M: 07553358727
Events - (county wide) / The next Furness Locality Stak...
Last post by jol - July 12, 2010, 04:02:32 PM
The next Furness Locality Stakeholder meeting will be on 16th September from 9.30 – 11.30 at Ormsgill Children's Centre, Millstone Lane, Barrow-in-Furness

Parents welcome
Events - (county wide) / east stakeholder meeting 8 sep...
Last post by jol - July 12, 2010, 12:47:08 PM
 East  locality stakeholder group meeting is on the 8th September from 10:30 - 12:30. Venue has yet to be identified, but it will be in Penrith as the June meeting was held in Kendal.   details -- Nicola Brown from Barnardo's who chairs/leads the East short breaks locality stakeholder group.

Parents welcome