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Q & A the Steering Group / What are your views on Steerin...
Last post by jol - January 10, 2011, 08:40:24 AM
Your views on Steering Group Allocation Funding of of £50k and their choices as to its dispersal?

* £51,500 bid system for community providers across Cumbria to make various equipment purchases through the Parents Learning to Change Steering Group. see http://www.soul-trade.com/change/county-facilities/gt-half-a-million-pounds-of-funding-has-been-earmarked-across-the-county/

for example..

does this really have to be spent now? and on 'equipment purchases' ?

can not an independent trust fund be set up by the group, to 'hold' such fundings; to allow it to spend in a more considered manner, as opposed to ' having to spend said sum by march/april 2011' It could then be designated as appropriate, whilst allowing discharge of the fundings from Cumbria CC in the timeframe they are constrained by...
Events - (county wide) / Carlisle Locality Aiming High ...
Last post by jol - January 07, 2011, 11:44:28 AM
Carlisle Locality Aiming High meeting Wed 12th Jan 10.30-12.30pm

I hope you have enjoyed a great Christmas and New Year.
The next meeting is next Wednesday 12th January 2011
At the usual venue of Petteril Bank.

Please find enclosed the minutes from the last meeting.

Next weeks agenda is to follow.

Many thanks

Lydia Noble

(Clerk to the PCAG/As and when admin work)

Carlisle South Sure Start Children's Centre


01228 625937

Working most Tuesday. Wednesday & Thursday (9.00-1.00pm)

Events - (county wide) / Aiming High Stakeholder meetin...
Last post by jol - January 07, 2011, 11:40:47 AM
Aiming High Stakeholder meeting -east

Hi all

I hope you have all had a peaceful and restful festive period.

The venue for the next meeting (Friday 14th January) is Hackthorpe Hall near Penrith. It is the same room as we have been in before, for those who attended. The meeting will run from 10.00 to 11.30.

If you have any agenda items could you please contact me before Wednesday 12th. I will send out the agenda and directions (if requested) on 12th.

Could you please contact me if you will be attending or have to give your apologies.

Many Thanks

Nicola Brown

Local Services Coordinator
Kendal West Sure Start Children's Centre
Kendal Green

01539 722267



Aiming High Locality Stakeholder Meeting-East Locality

January 14th 2011

Hackthorpe Hall, Penrith

10.00 to 12.00 (refreshments from 9.30)


Introductions/ apologies. (NB)
Review of minutes of last meeting. (JH)
Update from Pat Norris.
Feedback from activities since last meeting. (all present-parents and providers)
Information from Eden Mencap to be distributed. (Eden Mencap rep or NB)
Date for next meeting. (NB)
County facilities / > half a million pounds of fun...
Last post by jol - December 15, 2010, 12:27:08 PM
More than half a million pounds of funding has been earmarked to improve and support the lifestyle needs of hundreds of disabled and special needs children across the county.

Eight projects have been identified to benefit from the Aiming High for Disabled Children capital funding proposals totalling £500,000.

Approximately £30,000 has already been committed to earlier initiatives bringing total funding to £526,000.

The eight projects are:

* £160,000 to the disability charity Mencap to support the build of a new respite centre in Carlisle which will provide overnight short breaks.
* £52,500 to improve facilities at The Elms short break facility in Workington.
* £15,000 towards a sensory room at Maryport Junior School.
* £5,000 to help soft play and sensory area improvements at Barrow leisure centre.
* £45,700 renovation and upgrade of the Hart Street short break facility in Ulverston.
* £66,000 renovation and upgrade of Huntley Avenue short break facility in Penrith.
* £100,000 for purchase and installation of various inclusive play equipment across Cumbria.
* £51,500 bid system for community providers across Cumbria to make various equipment purchases through the Parents Learning to Change Steering Group.

Aiming High for Disabled Children is a nationwide programme for transforming disabled children's services.
Aiming High includes improving information on services such as short breaks, improving co-ordination of services, increasing parents' involvement, improving transition to adulthood, improving access to child care for disabled children and access to essential equipment.
In Cumbria, the county council and the Primary Care Trust have been working with disabled children, young people and their families to make this transformation happen.
Disabled children, young people and their families, aswell as providers and practitioners, have already been helping formulate new ideas for the future.

'Learning to Change' parents conferences have been held in the county where parents and stakeholders can discuss what they think and advise the county council what activities or services make a difference and where money should be spent in the future.

Julia Morrison, corporate director, Children's Services, Cumbria County Council, said: "We've said all along that it is a priority of ours to improve the choices for our vulnerable young people despite the challenging economic realities. These eight funding opportunities for Cumbria address both overnight short break provision and allowing future financial decisions to be taken by parents themselves."

Councillor Anne Burns, Cumbria County Council cabinet member responsible for children's social care, said:

"We have tried to ensure that funding has been targeted for projects across the county including the Elms in Workington and Hart Street in Ulverston. We are totally committed to working with parents, young people and stakeholder groups to listen to what they want and then implement those requests."

from http://www.penrithcrack.com/viewtopic.php?f=101&t=2132
15/12/2010 http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/news/2010/December/15_12_2010-114817.asp
General / Cerebra Research Gateway Trial...
Last post by jol - December 15, 2010, 12:06:19 PM
Cerebra is a unique charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through researching, educating and directly supporting children and their families.  We recognise the child with a disability as a child first and foremost and try to work for them as children rather than for their disability.  Cerebra are based in Carmarthen but have a UK wide remit. 

Part of what we do is to provide information that is relevant to parents and carers of children with disabilities as well as the professionals who come into contact with them. By empowering parents and professionals with knowledge, we can help them to improve the lives of the children they care for and support.  Our research has shown that parents of disabled children can feel very alone and bewildered by all the services and information out there.   Cerebra are trying to provide one recognisable source of information for parents in order to provide consistent, streamlined and above all clear guidance. We have designed an Information Gateway which signposts parents to helpful, reliable, and trustworthy organisations and relevant information.  We see this tool as a first port of call for parents in their quest for information regarding conditions, therapies, and other areas relevant to their child's condition.

To make sure we design this Gateway as effectively as possible we would value feedback from parents and professionals whilst it is still in its pilot phase.  We would greatly appreciate your comments.


Please click on the link which will take you to our pilot Information Gateway. 


The categories which need to be evaluated are those in purple (education, health, therapies and finance).

After exploring the Gateway, please click on the relevant 'Feedback Form' tab (parent or professional) on the left hand side of the Gateway and submit your comments.

Many thanks,

The Cerebra Research Team.

Catherine Hylton - Research Officer - Research
Email: CatherineH@cerebra.org.uk

Tel: 01267 242 557

Cerebra - For Brain Injured Children & Young People 
Second Floor Offices, The Lyric Building, King Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1BD 
Main Line: +44 (0) 1267 244200. Fax: +44 (0) 1267 244201 Freephone: 0800 32 81 159
http://www.facebook.com/cerebracharity/ http://www.twitter.com/cerebrauk/ http://www.youtube.com/CerebraCharity

/about_us/awards/highly_commended.htm> <http://www.cerebra.org.uk/about_us/awards/investors_in_people.htm>
local events / hydro swim sessions Kendal San...
Last post by jol - December 15, 2010, 11:58:26 AM
hydro swim session Thursday 23rd DEC.   session is from 1.30 to 2.30pm and the second session from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

I can book some more sessions on some Saturday afternoons....would you be interested in Saturdays for the occasional swim?

Hi Jol
please could you post this on the site?

and also a heads up for the children if they want to join the hydro swim session Thursday 23rd DEC.  I can book some more sessions on some Saturday afternoons....would you be interested in Saturdays for the occasional swim?

I hope you have all been doing ok with the snow/ice now slush!!!

below for posting please

My mother board on my main computer has passed on!! so I am in between computers ...please pass the info below on to anyone you think may be interested

The centre has received £10000 from the aiming high money as a result of parents singing our praises.  This is quite unusual for us to have been supported in this way and I am really pleased to have the opportunity to spend on some activities/equipment.  I also want to spend it well!!! I put forward money for equipment for the centre and money to be spent on the January 3rd Monday bank holiday and February 21st to 25th, Saturday weekend play scheme activities.  The money has to be spent by 31st March 2011

One of the first sessions is coming up on 23rd December Thursday a swim at the hydrotherapy pool.  The first session is from 1.30 to 2.30pm and the second session from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.  Can you pass this on to your group and ask them to contact me if they want to come.  There are 18 places for each session so the space is limited. Shirley -tel no 07795346632. or e mail  shirley-gilpin@sky.com

We are also at Sandgate school this Saturday 18th DEC from 1pm to 4pm for our Christmas celebrations.  It is a Jacob's join (bring a plate of food to share-please let me know what it is!)
Existing local facilities & groups / The centre has received £10000...
Last post by jol - December 15, 2010, 11:53:34 AM
Hi Jol
please could you post this on the site?

and also a heads up for the children if they want to join the hydro swim session Thursday 23rd DEC.  I can book some more sessions on some Saturday afternoons....would you be interested in Saturdays for the occasional swim?

My mother board on my main computer has passed on!! so I am in between computers ...please pass the info below on to anyone you think may be interested

The centre (Kendal Drop in Centre?) has received £10000 from the aiming high money as a result of parents singing our praises.  This is quite unusual for us to have been supported in this way and I am really pleased to have the opportunity to spend on some activities/equipment.  I also want to spend it well!!! I put forward money for equipment for the centre and money to be spent on the January 3rd Monday bank holiday and February 21st to 25th, Saturday weekend play scheme activities.  The money has to be spent by 31st March 2011

One of the first sessions is coming up on 23rd December Thursday a swim at the hydrotherapy pool.  The first session is from 1.30 to 2.30pm and the second session from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.  Can you pass this on to your group and ask them to contact me if they want to come.  There are 18 places for each session so the space is limited. Shirley -tel no 07795346632. or e mail address shirley-gilpin@sky.com

We are also at Sandgate school this Saturday 18th DEC from 1pm to 4pm for our Christmas celebrations.  It is a Jacob's join (bring a plate of food to share-please let me know what it is!)
Events - (county wide) / Skiing for disabled children a...
Last post by jol - December 02, 2010, 11:50:20 AM
20th December 2010 for FURNESS FAMILIES
23rd December 2010 for EDEN and SOUTH LAKES FAMILIES

Skiing for disabled children aged 8-19.  Families welcome.

For disabled children aged 8-19
Accessible for wheelchair users.

FREE skiing lesson and transport, (anything else booked you will have to pay for)

Places are limited, so please book.  If you would just like transport for shopping, let me know.

From 9am onwards (depends on pick up times).  Coming back from the Trafford centre at 5pm.

The Chill Factore is fully accessible.

Please bring lunch or money to buy lunch

Transport is via coaches.  All free.  Convenient pick up points will be arranged when you book.

There will be 3 members of the team there to support
Events - (county wide) / Skiing for disabled children a...
Last post by jol - December 02, 2010, 11:48:41 AM
20th December 2010 for FURNESS FAMILIES
23rd December 2010 for EDEN and SOUTH LAKES FAMILIES

Skiing for disabled children aged 8-19.  Families welcome.

For disabled children aged 8-19
Accessible for wheelchair users.

FREE skiing lesson and transport, (anything else booked you will have to pay for)

Places are limited, so please book.  If you would just like transport for shopping, let me know.

From 9am onwards (depends on pick up times).  Coming back from the Trafford centre at 5pm.

The Chill Factore is fully accessible.

Please bring lunch or money to buy lunch

Transport is via coaches.  All free.  Convenient pick up points will be arranged when you book.

There will be 3 members of the team there to support young people and families.
local events / Chill Factore Ski Trip 20 dec...
Last post by jol - December 02, 2010, 11:36:02 AM
Hello All

Please find attached details of a trip to the Chill Factore (UK's largest in and outdoor Ski village) and the Trafford Centre that is being organised by The Oaklea Trust.

Kind regards


20th December 2010 for FURNESS FAMILIES
23rd December 2010 for EDEN and SOUTH LAKES FAMILIES

Skiing for disabled children aged 8-19.  Families welcome.

For disabled children aged 8-19
Accessible for wheelchair users.

FREE skiing lesson and transport, (anything else booked you will have to pay for)

Places are limited, so please book.  If you would just like transport for shopping, let me know.

From 9am onwards (depends on pick up times).  Coming back from the Trafford centre at 5pm.

The Chill Factore is fully accessible.

Please bring lunch or money to buy lunch

Transport is via coaches.  All free.  Convenient pick up points will be arranged when you book.

There will be 3 members of the team there to support

Richard Westwell
Extended Services Coordinator
Sandgate School
Sandylands Road

Tel: 01539 773 636
Fax: 01539 792 101
e-mail: <mailto:richardwestwell@sandgate.cumbria.sch.uk>richardwestwell@sandgate.cumbria.sch.uk