• Welcome to Learning to Change in Cumbria for Disabled Children.


Learning to Change IV conference
Monday 11th October 2010
9.30 a.m.(conf start 10.00) to 2.00 p.m.
at The Castle Green Hotel, Kendal

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Events - (county wide) / ASD "what now" course Thurs 17...
Last post by jol - January 10, 2013, 11:35:13 AM

There is a "What now" course - a programme for parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders starting on Thursday 17th january 2013 from 7 to 8pm at Sandgate school Sandylands road, LA9 6JG. This day is an introduction. More datails can be obtained from 01539 795904 / 07770492470.

I have also attached the January newsletter with the new January date for the ADHD support.
Warm wishes
local events / DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2013 (pl...
Last post by jol - December 11, 2012, 09:01:47 AM
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2013 (please note change of meeting day and venue)

South Lakes District, Learning to Change Cumbria, Parent Forums 2013 meetings dates

Wednesday 9th January
Wednesday 13th March
Wednesday 8th May
Wednesday 10th July
Please note Meetings will be held at THE DROP IN CENTRE,(behind Stricklandgate House, Kendal) 10am to 12noon

Another Date for your diary
South Lakes District Disability Information Day,
Friday 1st March, Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal
General / Re: Cumbria County Council Si...
Last post by jol - November 26, 2012, 10:49:28 PM
reviewing the site nov 2012 i see there is now a Short Breaks Statement (to be reviewed Oct 2012) http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/ils/shortbreaks.asp

i've attached the 2011/12 statement as a pdf below in case it disappears
General / Re: attend Local area meetings...
Last post by jol - November 26, 2012, 10:12:08 PM
nov 2012 this from http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/ils/shortbreaks.asp

Children's Services also have a nominated representative on the Learning to Change group - Joanne King.  Joanne.King@cumbria.gov.uk T:01228 226939

You can also contact your Parent Partnership Co-ordinator through the Children's Services Parent Partnership Service

Karen Hull  -Barrow and South Lakeland Karen.Hull@cumbria.gov.uk

Celia Jones –Barrow and South Lakeland Celia.Jones@cumbria.gov.uk

Phyllis Bowler –Allerdale and Copeland Phyllis.Bowler@cumbria.gov.uk

Janette Baines – Allerdale and Copeland Janette.Baines@cumbria.gov.uk

Gwen Hawley –Carlisle and Eden Gwen.Hawley@cumbria.gov.uk

Emma Penketh –Carlisle and Eden Emma.Penketh@cumbria.gov.uk
short breaks / feedback on Oaklea Short Break...
Last post by jol - July 13, 2012, 10:57:47 AM
Learning to Change South Lakes Locality are looking for feedback on Oaklea Short Breaks activities or weekends, the sitting service and clubs etc
Have you accessed any?
Please send feedback asap to carlabump@googlemail.com
General / Re: Cumbria County Council Si...
Last post by jol - June 08, 2012, 02:02:15 PM
ok so it would seem the best link for the Front page Cumbria CC Link might well be

also see http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/news/2012/January/12_01_2012-094521.asp
Quote11/1/2012 - Short Break services secured

Families in Cumbria with disabled children will continue to benefit from Short Break services after Cumbria County Council secured provision for another 14 months from the start of February.

Short Breaks provide positive activities for disabled children and young people while enabling their main carers to have a break from their caring responsibilities.

As part of the process to secure Short Break services, the county council tendered contracts for providing the care. Group and individual short services have now been recommissioned to the following providers:

Carlisle & Eden - Carlisle Mencap
Barrow & South Lakeland - Oaklea Trust
Allerdale & Copeland - West Cumbria Care and Support (West House) replacing Action for Children who are continuing with their provision of children's centre services including the provision of services to younger (0-8 years) disabled children.

Between now and March 2013 a full evaluation of Short Break services for children with disabilities will be undertaken before further contracts are placed.

Media enquiries to communications adviser John Ballard on 01228 221752

and in Lancashire...

QuoteThe FIND database includes information about disabled children up to 18 years old in Lancashire.  Families are invited to submit details about their disabled child to the database, which is used to develop an overview of the needs of disabled children across the county to assist with planning services.

This service is strictly confidential – no individual information about any children or their families shared with anyone.

Every family recorded on the FIND database receives a quarterly newsletter free of charge to help them keep informed about services and support which may be relevant. Families have access to a resource directory of local and national service providers.

A multi-agency steering group oversees the management of the FIND database.  You can access full details on our website which you can access via the related links section of this page or by clicking here.

Further information available on the website includes:

   * the latest copies of the FIND newsletter
   * Information leaflets in different languages
   * the Record of Entry online application form for families to sign up to the Database
   * the latest Annual Report
   * useful links

Organisations wishing to add their details to the FIND directory can do so using our online form.

is there a similiar in Cumbria? there were initiatives and newsletters etc -- is there a Link?
General / Short Break Tracking a 3 year...
Last post by jol - June 08, 2012, 01:44:55 PM

Short Break Tracking
EDCM undertook a three year research project looking at parents experiences of local short break services between 2008 and 2011. This was a period of service transformation as funding was made avaliable for short break services through the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme.


EDCM wrote three reports outlining the findings of its research:
raised expectations
Raised Expectations: Parental experiences of short breaks
This report published in October 2011 is the final report in EDCM's three year research programme which charted parents experiences of short breaks throughout the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme.

Download the full report here [PDF 391 KB]

no going backNo going back! Parents' expectations of short breaks
This report published in July 2010 is the second of three annual reports charting parents' experiences of short breaks over the course of the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme.

Download the full report here [PDF 988KB]

short break trackingShort Breaks Tracking Interim Report
A report published in April 2009 which highlights the interim findings from an EDCM research project evaluating the impact of the Aiming High for Disabled Children short breaks programme on the lives of disabled children and their families.

Download the report here [PDF 225KB]

ok so i see now the new central government requirements and current buzzwords/phrases...

QuoteShort Breaks
In 2006 a series of Parliamentary hearings took place which assessed the services for disabled children. In these hearings parents told parliamentarians that 'the lack of short breaks was the biggest single cause of unhappiness with service provision'.

short break
Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their primary carers. These include day, evening, overnight or weekend activities and take place in the child's own home, the home of an approved carer, a residential or community setting.
Short break funding

Over the past few years we have seen unprecedented amounts of funding going into funding short breaks. This included a pledge of £800million to be delivered between 2011/12 and 2014/15 through the Early Intervention Grant. This followed the success of the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme. Find out more about funding for short break services

Short breaks and the law

In January 2011 Parliament passed regulations that put a duty on local authorities to provide short breaks services in their local area. This is known as the 'Short Break Duty' and  came into effect on 1 April 2011. One of the requirements on local authorities under this duty is to produce a short break services statement with details of local short break provision. Find out more about the Short Break Duty and EDCM's work monitoring its impact.

EDCM's research on short breaks

Between 2008 - 2011 EDCM undertook a research project evaluating the impact of the Aiming High for Disabled Children short breaks programme on the lives of disabled children and their families.  EDCM produced annual reports on its findings. Find out more and read the reports above.

Why short breaks and not respite?

The literal definition of 'respite' is 'the laying down of a burden' or a 'temporary cessation of something that it tiring or painful'. This language is not positive. The term 'respite' reinforces the view that disabled children are passive recipients who have things done to them, rather than active citizens with lives to live. EDCM believe that the wider transformation for services for disabled children must be cultural, not just financial.

The language of disability has rightly changed over the years, and the term 'short breaks' is part of that process. The crucial difference in short breaks is that both the parent and the child get a break that suits their individual needs. As we move towards transformation, the child's break is valid and valued by all.


General / Re: Cumbria County Council Si...
Last post by jol - June 08, 2012, 12:48:04 PM
i see the same with the Lancashire County Council Link too..

it seems to me that within 3 years there is even less accessible info than there was originally..

sandcastles and the relentless return of the sea?
where is the continuity, the augmentation and evidence of evolving joined up thinking, and practical improvement? What initiatives remain? what ground has been gained? and what or where does one find the relevant info now.

Statutory central government initiatives require Local Councils to react to the latest initiative, and when that Central Government changes, and/or the Local Officers change or go on sick leave, where is the continuity. This is not solely about funding.........

It seems that much funding is in danger of being used to re-invent the wheel, or to build up teams that are disbanded almost as soon as they are put together; it seems very short term and amateurish, but may be the only way given the constraints of our systems..

meanwhile new Parents and Disabled Children arrive on the scene looking for roadmaps and assistance.........

Please post your views or point  to some Links we can add for these new folks not in the loop or just finding their way... many thx
General / Cumbria County Council Site a...
Last post by jol - June 08, 2012, 12:11:19 PM
hi - just checking over the site i see that the original Cumbria County Council  Site  Link on the front page http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/childrenandfamilies/familysupport/disabilities/aiminghigh/default.asp now errors so i went to see where i should point to now--

the only link i could find was http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/yourcumbria/spring2010/yc2.asp

if anyone knows of a better link could you let me know

from what i can see now there is even less info on Aiming High and Learning to Change on the Council Site, let alone navigating  to find resources for disabled children.
i trust i am wrong about this, and would be happy to put up the links or info here.

also i wonder what the situation is now re Aiming High and Learning to Change initiative in Cumbria..

i hope someone can post some more info..

meanwhile we will keep this resource going

let us know of any other important links or ideas, or redundant links that need deleting or changing

i know there is a Facebook Learning to Change Group, but i feel there is also a need for a searchable interactive knowledge database, such as this, so will keep this site  online for a while longer.....
local events / Holiday Activities - June 2012
Last post by Sandgate ES - May 28, 2012, 08:50:23 AM
Hello all

Please find attached details of our play scheme taking place over the June holidays.

We hope to see you there!

Many thanks

Richard (Sandgate School) and Shirley (Kendal Family Drop in Centre)