« previous next » Print Pages: 1 Go Down Author Topic: How we can contain Covid-19 without a vaccine (Read 15189 times) stog Administrator Full Member Posts: 211 How we can contain Covid-19 without a vaccine « on: September 26, 2020, 05:42:19 PM » While the world is waiting for a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine, there is a strategy that can potentially bring an end to the pandemic in the United States without the development of pharmaceutical drugs. The strategy, which is cost-effective and compatible with American values like personal freedom, could feasibly bring the epidemic to a halt within two to three months. This strategy would revolve around the distribution of rapid, saliva-based tests that can be administered at home, so that those who are contagious can be quickly identified and isolated. –William Haseltinehttps://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/04/opinions/how-we-can-contain-covid-19-without-a-vaccine-hasletine/index.html Report to moderator Logged Print Pages: 1 Go Up « previous next » Tags: Saliva tests C19 Notes / General Category / C19 Notes Database / How we can contain Covid-19 without a vaccine