C19 Notes

How long does COVID-19 last

Author Topic: How long does COVID-19 last  (Read 15507 times)


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How long does COVID-19 last
« on: July 06, 2020, 03:06:51 PM »
How long does COVID-19 last?

Our data shows one in ten are sick for three weeks or more.

It’s commonly believed that COVID-19 is a short-term illness caused by infection with the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and most health sources suggest that people will recover within two weeks or so.

But it’s becoming increasingly clear that this isn’t the case for everyone infected with coronavirus. Some people have reported symptoms for three weeks or more, while others have been suffering for months.

We look at what the data from the COVID Symptom Study app is telling us about the number of people living with COVID-19 over the longer term, the symptoms they are experiencing, and whether they are still infectious. ‍

The COVID-19 Symptom Study app has been developed by health science company ZOE and it is endorsed by the Welsh Government, NHS Wales, the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland. 3,964,955 participants have downloaded the app and are using it to regularly report on their health, making it the largest public science project of its kind anywhere in the world. App data is being analysed in collaboration with King's College London researchers.)

« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 03:08:26 PM by stog »


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Re: How long does COVID-19 last
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 09:34:50 AM »
an email from the symptom study team today.

Their data suggest that only 52.2% of people recover within 13 days.