C19 Notes

Half of those that tested positive were asymptomatic

Author Topic: Half of those that tested positive were asymptomatic  (Read 15196 times)


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Half of those that tested positive were asymptomatic
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:59:13 PM »
Half of those that tested positive were asymptomatic

a  week or so ago

777 members of the Roosevelt’s crew tested positive for the virus, out of a total population of about 5,000

Half of those that  tested positive, mostly young, healthy men and women under the age of 30, have proven asymptomatic—that is, they have no symptoms at all.

This is a much larger number of asymptomatic carriers than researchers see in the U.S. general population, where roughly 25 percent of those who have tested positive are asymptomatic.

Furthermore, The Washington Post reports last week, aircraft carrier crews often spend long hours in the same spaces in close quarters, and researchers can easily find out exactly where crewmembers spent most of their time. This can help scientists understand how the virus spreads from person to person, especially when the spreader does not exhibit symptoms.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 09:30:39 PM by stog »
